Information on the Awam Express fare table and ticket prices for the Pakistan Railway train running between Attock and Jhelum railway stations. From Karachi to Peshawar, Awam Express trains stop in Attock and Jhelum as well Price of various classes of Awami Express train tickets from Jhelum to Attock.
Each day, the Awam Express undertakes its journey between Attock and Jhelum. As per the latest fare information provided by Pakistan Railway, the cost of a ticket for the Awam Express train varies for different categories of passengers. These categories include adults, disabled individuals, senior citizens, elderly individuals, and children. The specified fares are applicable for travel from Attock Railway station to Jhelum Railway station.
Air-conditioned class, AC Business seat ticket, A.C Standard ticket, A.C Lower Rs. 660/- and A.C Sleeper karya schedule at Attock railway station to Jhelum in detail are available on the Awami Express full fare ticket price website.
Jhelum To Attock Train Timing 2024
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 10:11 AM | 2:30 PM |
Khyber Mail | 11:12 PM | 3:18 AM |
Jaffar Express | 11:49 AM | 3:48 PM |
Jhelum To Attock Train Ticket Price
Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Lower |
1350/- | 1400/- | 1650/- |
13 Up and 14 Down Awam Express train from Attock station to Pakistan’s Jhelum railway station, according to the country’s train pricing tables. Complete and detailed information on the cost of a ticket for an Awam Express train, including all applicable fees. economy class fare, air conditioning, business, standard, first-class sleeping quarters, and air conditioning cheaper airfare from Attock to Jhelum. We diligently collect data on Awam Express fares from dependable sources, but as human error is always possible, this information should only be used as a guide. For the most up-to-date prices, please contact your local railway reservation office.