Faisalabad to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price & Schedule 2024

Check the online Faisalabad to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price 2024 from here. Planning a train trip from Faisalabad to Rawalpindi? It’s important to be aware of the train schedule for a smooth journey. This article aims to provide an easy-to-understand overview of the train timings on this route.

Faisalabad to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price

Train NameEconomy SeatEconomy BerthA.C LowerA.C Business
Pakistan Express1200/-1150/-2200/-2800/-
Rehman Baba Express1250/-1150/-2250/-2800/-

Faisalabad to Rawalpindi Train Route:

The train journey from Faisalabad to Rawalpindi offers a scenic adventure through Punjab, showcasing diverse landscapes from Faisalabad’s lively streets to Rawalpindi’s historical landmarks.


Train Timings:

Stay informed about the train schedule, as it may change. According to the most recent data, Tezgam, Awam Express, and Millat Express are the trains that are frequently used on this route.

  • Tezgam:
    Departs Faisalabad: Approximately 7:00 AM
    Arrives in Rawalpindi: Around 12:30 PM
    Duration: Approximately 5.5 hours
  • Awam Express:
    Departs Faisalabad: Around 11:00 AM
    Arrives in Rawalpindi: Approximately 5:00 PM
    Duration: Approximately 6 hours
  • Millat Express:
    Departs Faisalabad: Around 4:00 PM
    Arrives in Rawalpindi: Approximately 9:30 PM
    Duration: Approximately 5.5 hours

Remember to double-check the timings through the Pakistan Railways website or your local station for any updates.

Lahore to Mian Channu Train Ticket Price

Faisalabad to Rawalpindi Trains Booking and Reservations:

For a hassle-free journey, consider making reservations in advance. Tickets can be booked online on the Pakistan Railways website or purchased at the train station or authorized offices.

Faisalabad to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price 2024


  1. What is the current train schedule from Faisalabad to Rawalpindi?
    • Please check with the railway authorities for the most up-to-date timings.
  2. How long does the train journey take between Faisalabad and Rawalpindi?
    • Travel times vary; verify the duration with the specific train service.
  3. Are there multiple train options for Faisalabad to Rawalpindi travel?
    • Yes, there are usually various trains with different departure times and ticket classes.
  4. Where can I find the latest information on Faisalabad to Rawalpindi train timings?
    • Visit the official Pakistan Railways website or contact the local railway station for real-time updates.

Pakistan Railways Contact Details

  • Pakistan Railway Website: https://pakrail.gov.pk
  • Company Address: 4th Floor, Block D Pak. Secretariat ยท Islamabad
  • Contact Number: 042-99201665

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