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ToggleCheck the online Faisalabad to Hyderabad Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. Traveling by train from Faisalabad to Hyderabad is easy and cheap. We’ll give you details about the train schedule and ticket prices.
Faisalabad to Hyderabad Train Timing
Here is a detailed and thorough compilation of the schedule for trains traveling from Faisalabad to Hyderabad, including all the timings.
- Shalimar Express
- Departure Time: 8:05 AM
- Arrival Time: 10:00 PM
- Pakistan Express
- Departure Time: 1:25 PM
- Arrival Time: 4:25 AM
- Millat Express
- Departure Time: 3:30 PM
- Arrival Time: 5:50 AM
- Karakoram Express
- Departure Time: 6:05 PM
- Arrival Time: 6:55 AM

Faisalabad to Hyderabad Train Ticket Prices
To make things easier for you, we have gathered and put together a list of the prices for tickets in various classes on the trains that were mentioned.
Karakoram Express
- Economy Seat: 3000/-
- Economy Berth: 3100/-
- A.C Business: 7000/-
- A.C Standard: 5600/-
- A.C Sleeper: —
Millat Express
- Economy Seat: 2200/-
- Economy Berth: 2300/-
- A.C Business: 6300/-
- A.C Standard: 4600/-
- A.C Sleeper: —
Shah Hussain Express
- Economy Seat: 2300/-
- Economy Berth: 2400/-
- A.C Business: 5300/-
- A.C Standard: 4300/-
- A.C Sleeper: 7100/-
Pakistan Express
- Economy Seat: 2200/-
- Economy Berth: 2300/-
- A.C Business: 6300/-
- A.C Standard: 4600/-
- A.C Sleeper: —
Rehman Baba Express
- Economy Seat: 2200/-
- Economy Berth: 2300/-
- A.C Business: 6300/-
- A.C Standard: 4600/-
- A.C Sleeper: —
Shalimar Express
- Economy Seat: 2200/-
- Economy Berth: 2300/-
- A.C Business: 6300/-
- A.C Standard: 4600/-
- A.C Sleeper: 8750/-
Faisalabad To Multan Train Timing
- What are the departure and arrival times for the Shalimar Express from Faisalabad to Hyderabad?
- Shalimar Express departs at 8:05 AM and arrives in Hyderabad at 10:00 PM.
- How much does a ticket cost for the Karakoram Express from Faisalabad to Hyderabad?
- Ticket prices for Karakoram Express vary: Economy Seat – 3000/-, Economy Berth – 3100/-, A.C Business – 7000/-, A.C Standard – 5600/-.
- Is there an A.C Sleeper option on the Millat Express from Faisalabad to Hyderabad?
- No, Millat Express does not offer an A.C Sleeper option.
- What is the ticket price for the Shalimar Express A.C Sleeper class from Faisalabad to Hyderabad?
- The A.C Sleeper class on Shalimar Express costs 8750/-.
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