Check the online Faisalabad to Bhalwal Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. If you are thinking about traveling by train from Faisalabad to Bhalwal, it’s important to know the right details about when the train leaves and arrives, and how much the tickets cost.
Faisalabad to Bhalwal Train Timing:
Millat Express, a popular train plying between Faisalabad and Bhalwal, offers a convenient travel schedule for passengers. The train departs from Faisalabad at 9:40 AM and arrives at its destination, Bhalwal, by 12:45 PM. This schedule allows for a timely and efficient journey, catering to the needs of both business and leisure travelers.
Train Ticket Prices:
When deciding on the most suitable ticket for your trip, Millat Express offers a variety of choices tailored to different preferences and financial considerations. Let’s take a closer look at the breakdown of ticket prices across different classes to help you make an informed decision.
- Economy Seat: 600/-
- Economy Berth: 650/-
- A.C Lower: 900/-
- A.C Business: 1450/-
Faisalabad to Khanewal Train Ticket Price
Making a trip from Faisalabad to Bhalwal using the Millat Express train has been made convenient and within reach. Passengers can effectively plan their journeys by considering the train schedules and ticket costs. There are various ticket options available, ranging from Economy Seats to the luxurious A.C Business class, ensuring that all passenger preferences are accommodated. To ensure a smooth and pleasant journey on the Millat Express, it is advisable to plan your trip wisely, book your tickets in advance, and enjoy the convenience and comfort it offers.

- What time does the Millat Express leave Faisalabad?
- The Millat Express departs from Faisalabad at 9:40 AM.
- When does the Millat Express arrive in Bhalwal?
- The train reaches its destination, Bhalwal, at 12:45 PM.
- How much is an Economy Seat ticket for the Faisalabad to Bhalwal journey?
- The ticket price for an Economy Seat is 600/-.
- Can I book Millat Express tickets online?
- Yes, you can conveniently book your Millat Express tickets online for a hassle-free experience
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