New registration for e-Rozgar has begun. Here is the entire registration process if you haven’t already done so. In light of Pakistan’s escalating inflation, the government of Pakistan has started a new initiative to support the youth population.
Youth generation members who are concerned about the future will be represented in this programme. In any case, the Pakistani government has organised all youth travel and sports events.
The e-employment programme accepts applications from both boys and girls, and it is set up so that every member of the younger generation can do so and then check the Free Courses of their application to see if it has been received.
E-Rozgar Registration
The Pakistani government has introduced the most well-known free online course programme, e-Rozgaar, through which all information technology would be taught, enabling the younger population to earn millions of dollars online and end unemployment. If there had been
People will learn how to expand their online businesses and make money online with this programme.
The government of Pakistan has created jobs, but all efforts have been added that on Online to help generate money because there is no one to teach Online earning in the appropriate way in the nation.
This program’s goal is to teach participants how to use all of the online freelining courses.
The e-Rozgar programme instructs people on conducting business online. People with a variety of expertise enrol in this programme. They can do this and make thousands of rupees every month while staying at home.
For everyone who wants to work online, this is a really positive move by the Pakistani government; this programme supports the younger generation.
Eligibility Criteria:
For inclusion in the e-employment programme, a requirement has been established, and those who meet it are accepted into the programme.
- Men and women are both eligible for admission to this programme.
- To apply for the programme, you must be 35 years old and at least 21 years old.
- You should pursue a master’s degree.
- Verify that you are unemployed.
- If you are eligible and meet the requirements, you will be admitted to the programme.
e-Rozgar Login
A relatively straightforward process is used to register on e-rozgar. Joining this programme and contributing monthly lakhs of rupees will allow you to work from home and make money online. The government of Pakistan has taken a really nice action here.
The following details the registration process, which you can complete by carefully following along with all of these guidelines.

How do I apply for the e-Rozgaar Training Program?
- Your first step is to go to the e-rozgar website.
- Click “sign up” there to proceed.
- A few documents that you must provide there will be requested of you there
- A few whiles afterwards, a confirmation message will appear on your mobile device.
- To be admitted to this programme, you must be a graduate.
- You’ll eventually receive notification that you’ve been accepted into the programme.
- Using your username and password, sign in again or access the website.
- Then, you select whichever course suits you most.
- After the course’s term is over, you are also given a %.
e-Rozgar Portal
All students who desire to work from home can register for a Learning Management System (LMS) and take daily online lessons for the duration of each course on a website that has been established specifically for this purpose. Additionally, after completing the course, you will receive video-recorded lectures.