Check all the details about the Bahawalpur To Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price from here. Train travel from Bahawalpur to Rawalpindi is a practical and comfortable way to see beautiful scenery. This helpful information will assist you if you’re planning a trip and have questions regarding train schedules and ticket costs.
Bahawalpur To Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price:
Here are the ticket prices for various classes on the trains from Bahawalpur to Rawalpindi:
Awam Express
- Economy Seat: 1900/-
- Economy Berth: 2000/-
- A.C Standard: 3850/-
Bahawalpur To Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price Green Line
- Economy Seat: 3100/-
- Economy Berth: 3200/-
- A.C Business: 6900/-
- A.C Standard: 5500/-
Jaffar Express
- Economy Seat: 2350/-
- Economy Berth: 2450/-
- A.C Business: 5600/-
- A.C Standard: 4100/-
- A.C Sleeper: 7700/-
Khyber Mail
- Economy Seat: 1900/-
- Economy Berth: 2000/-
- A.C Business: 5200/-
- A.C Standard: 3850/-
- A.C Sleeper: 7200/-
Bahawalpur To Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price Pakistan Express
- Economy Seat: 1800/-
- Economy Berth: 1900/-
- A.C Business: 4750/-
- A.C Standard: 3600/-
Multan To Okara Train Ticket Price

Train Timings:
- Awam Express
- Departure Time: 9:55 PM
- Arrival Time: 12:30 PM
- Tezgam
- Departure Time: 5:35 AM
- Arrival Time: 6:55 PM
- Pakistan Express
- Departure Time: 12:50 AM
- Arrival Time: 2:45 PM
- Khyber Mail
- Departure Time: 11:15 AM
- Arrival Time: 1:25 AM
- Jaffar Express
- Departure Time: 12:30 AM
- Arrival Time: 2:05 PM
- Green Line
- Departure Time: 8:45 AM
- Arrival Time: 7:25 PM
What are the departure and arrival times for Awam Express from Bahawalpur to Rawalpindi?
- Answer: Awam Express leaves Bahawalpur at 9:55 PM and arrives in Rawalpindi at 12:30 PM.
2. How much does an Economy Seat ticket cost for the Green Line from Bahawalpur to Rawalpindi?
- Answer: The ticket for an Economy Seat on Green Line is priced at 3100/-.
3. Which train offers A.C. Sleeper class for the journey between Bahawalpur and Rawalpindi?
- Answer: Jaffar Express provides A.C. Sleeper class for this route.
4. Can I travel from Bahawalpur to Rawalpindi on Hazara Express, and what’s the cost of an Economy Berth ticket?
- Answer: Yes, you can. An Economy Berth ticket on Hazara Express is priced at 1950/-.