Bahawalpur to Jhelum Train Timing
Here are the train timings for the journey from Bahawalpur to Jhelum:
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 9:54 PM
- Arrival Time: 10:05 AM
- Tezgam:
- Departure Time: 5:30 AM
- Arrival Time: 4:13 PM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure Time: 12:55 AM
- Arrival Time: 12:07 PM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 11:10 AM
- Arrival Time: 11:10 PM
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure Time: 12:29 AM
- Arrival Time: 11:47 AM
Ticket Prices
Now, let’s take a look at the ticket prices for different classes on these trains:
- Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: 1800/-
- Economy Berth: 1900/-
- A.C Business: 4950/-
- A.C Standard: 3350/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not specified
- Tezgam:
- Economy Seat: 2200/-
- Economy Berth: 2300/-
- A.C Business: 5000/-
- A.C Standard: 3700/-
- A.C Sleeper: 6400/-
- Pakistan Express:
- Economy Seat: 1650/-
- Economy Berth: 1750/-
- A.C Business: 4050/-
- A.C Standard: 3000/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not specified
- Khyber Mail:
- Economy Seat: 1800/-
- Economy Berth: 1900/-
- A.C Business: 4750/-
- A.C Standard: 3350/-
- A.C Sleeper: 6000/-
- Jaffar Express:
- Economy Seat: 2200/-
- Economy Berth: 2300/-
- A.C Business: 5000/-
- A.C Standard: 3700/-
- A.C Sleeper: 6400/-
Lahore To Vehari Train Timing
Knowing the train timings and ticket prices in advance can help you plan your journey effectively. Whether you prefer a comfortable A.C sleeper or an economical economy seat, these details will guide you in making the right choice for your travel from Bahawalpur to Jhelum by train.