Check the online Attock to Rawalpindi Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. Are you thinking about traveling from Attock to Rawalpindi by train and are curious about the costs and schedules of tickets? Well, you’re in the right place.
Attock to Rawalpindi Train Timing
In addition to the ticket prices, knowing the departure and arrival timings is crucial for planning your journey. Here are the departure and arrival timings for the trains traveling from Attock to Rawalpindi:
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 10:55 AM
- Arrival Time in Rawalpindi: 12:40 PM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 11:47 PM
- Arrival Time in Rawalpindi: 1:25 AM (next day)
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure Time: 7:11 AM
- Arrival Time in Rawalpindi: 8:35 AM
Attock to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Prices
Here’s a quick overview of the ticket prices for different classes on the specified trains:
- Awam Express:
- Economy Class: Rs. 150
- AC Lower: Rs. 300
- Khyber Mail:
- Economy Class: Rs. 150
- AC Lower: Rs. 300
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 350
- AC Business: Rs. 370
- Jaffar Express:
- Economy Class: Rs. 150
- AC Lower: Rs. 350
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 350
- AC Business: Rs. 460
Kindly be aware that the AC Sleeper option is not offered for Awam Express, and AC Business does not apply to either Awam Express or Khyber Mail.

Making plans for your train trip from Attock to Rawalpindi becomes simpler when you possess comprehensive details about ticket prices and schedules. Whether you lean towards the cost-effectiveness of economy class or the coziness of AC classes, you can make a well-informed choice considering your preferences and budget. Consult this guide to guarantee a seamless and trouble-free travel encounter. Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey!
- What are the ticket prices for Awam Express from Attock to Rawalpindi?
- Economy Class: Rs. 150
- AC Lower: Rs. 300
- Is AC Sleeper available on Khyber Mail for the Attock to Rawalpindi route?
- Yes, it is available, and the fare is Rs. 350.
- When does the Jaffar Express depart from Attock to Rawalpindi?
- Jaffar Express departs at 7:11 AM.
- What time does Khyber Mail reach Rawalpindi from Attock?
- Khyber Mail arrives at 1:25 AM.
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