In this post, all the details related to the Attock to Gujrat Train Timings & Train Ticket Prices are available. If you are planning to travel from Attock to Gujrat by train, you have a few options to choose from. This article provides information on train timings, ticket prices, and other essential details to make your journey smooth and enjoyable.
Attock to Gujrat Train Timings
Here are the train schedules for the three main trains running from Attock to Gujrat:
- Awam Express
- Departure Time: 10:55 AM
- Arrival Time: 4:10 PM
- Khyber Mail
- Departure Time: 11:50 PM
- Arrival Time: 4:50 AM
- Jaffar Express
- Departure Time: 7:10 AM
- Arrival Time: 11:55 AM

Ticket Prices
The ticket prices vary depending on the class of travel. Below are the fares for each train:
Awam Express
- Economy Class: Rs. 960
- AC Lower: Rs. 990
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1200
- AC Business: Rs. 1300
- AC Business (Upper Berth): Rs. 1400
Khyber Mail
- Economy Class: Rs. 960
- AC Lower: Rs. 970
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1230
- AC Business: Rs. 1290
- AC Business (Upper Berth): Rs. 1410
Jaffar Express
- Economy Class: Rs. 980
- AC Lower: Rs. 1090
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1250
- AC Business: Rs. 1210
- AC Business (Upper Berth): Rs. 1410
1. How many trains travel from Attock to Gujrat daily?
Three trains travel daily from Attock to Gujrat: Awam Express, Khyber Mail, and Jaffar Express.
2. What is the travel time for these trains?
- Awam Express: About 5 hours and 15 minutes.
- Khyber Mail: About 5 hours.
- Jaffar Express: About 4 hours and 45 minutes.
3. How much do tickets cost?
Ticket prices range from Rs. 960 to Rs. 1410, depending on the class and train.