ARA launches new strategy to increase women in rail

The Australasian Railway Association has revealed its Women in Rail strategy, which will run for the next three years and aims to increase the number of women working in the rail industry.

The Women in Rail strategy that was developed by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) has been made public. This strategy will be implemented over the next three years and aims to increase the number of women working in the rail industry. According to the American Railway Association (ARA), despite recent increases in gender diversity in the industry, there is still more work to be done to attract, retain, and develop women in the rail business.

“The ARA’s Women in Rail Strategy aims to support the continued increase in female representation in the industry,” stated Caroline Wilkie, CEO of the ARA. “The ARA’s Women in Rail Strategy” It is more vital than ever before to secure a sustainable future for rail transport given the robust investment pipeline that will total 154 billion dollars over the next 15 years. During this once-in-a-lifetime transition of the rail industry, there are a multitude of doors that will open for women to enter through which they will be able to develop prosperous and satisfying careers. We aim to convert the sector into one in which a Women in Rail policy is no longer necessary because diversity is engrained, and we want to do this by creating a work atmosphere that is welcoming to people of all backgrounds and perspectives.

According to a study conducted by ARA, the percentage of women working in the business rose to 24 percent in 2021-22 from 17 percent in 2014. This is an increase from 2014. According to the findings of the ARA’s Gender Diversity Report, which was published in 2022, almost ninety percent of the businesses questioned have official policies or strategies in place that particularly support gender diversity, and fourteen percent of those businesses have set targets to increase the number of women who serve on their governing boards. However, if things continue as they are, it is estimated that gender parity won’t be reached until the year 2049.

The Women in Rail Strategy describes many projects that will be carried out between the years 2023 and 2026. These initiatives are focused on the focus areas of promoting women in the rail industry, increasing industry knowledge, improving organizational effect, and developing professional skills.

The American Registry of Accredited Realtors® (ARA) will provide financial support for the participation of two senior women in the Chief Executive Women Leaders Programme and four women in the Women Rising online course. In order to reduce the gender gap, the ARA will continue to collaborate closely with businesses and government agencies around the country.

According to Rebecca Want, who serves as chair of the Women in Rail Committee and as a board director for the ARA, “it is common knowledge that diversity in the workplace drives improved performance, innovation, and better solutions.” “Our vision at Women in Rail is for an industry that is barrier-free, inclusive, and diverse, and that is recognized as the employer of choice for women.” We are committed to establishing an environment in which women have equal access to opportunities in the rail sector by ensuring that women are empowered at every level of the industry.

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