Pakistan Railway Restores Bahauddin Zakaria Express

The Pakistan Railways will resume service on the Bahauddin Zakaria Express between Multan and Karachi on June 1, 2023.

At the same time, the Bahauddin Zakaria Express will depart from Multan and Karachi. The passenger train has been fixed after nine months.

Following the destruction of the railway track caused by the floods the previous year, Pakistan Railway (PR) suspended operations.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pakistan Railways previously informed the Railway Committee of the National Assembly that the firm had suffered $500 billion in infrastructure losses as a result of the country’s severe floods.

Farrukh Taimoor, the company’s CEO, said: “It appears that our tracks are under the ocean at various locations.” The National Assembly’s Railway Committee received a report on the damaged infrastructure from Farrukh Taimoor, CEO of Railways. Farrukh estimates that the damages to the railways amount to more than 500 billion rupees.

He asserted that certain areas experienced floods while their repairmen were at work. He pointed out that the department lacked the funding required to pay salaries.

The CEO added that damages exceeding Rs7 billion were caused by the suspension of rail operations on a number of routes. However, he said, they haven’t ceased all of their operations; they’re still moving along the rails that are still in use.

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