1.8 Billion Euro Contract Awarded for Verona–Padua High Speed Line

The consortium known as IRICAV DUE, comprising of Webuild with a majority stake of 82.95% and Hitachi Rail with a minority stake of 17.05%, has been awarded a significant contract worth 1.8 billion EUR. This contract entails the responsibility of providing the track and digital signalling systems for a specific segment of a high-speed railway connecting Verona and Padua.

The upcoming phase of this project will centre its attention on a 6.2km segment of a high-speed/capacity (HS/C) railway line that is set to traverse the urban area of Vicenza.

The contract was granted by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) and would involve Hitachi Rail providing its European Rail Transport Management System (ERTMS) digital signalling technology for the development of the HS/C line.

ERTMS utilises wireless communication signals between the train and track infrastructure to effectively monitor the train’s velocity and promptly engage the emergency braking system in the event of necessity. This system facilitates the enhancement of service speed and reliability on the route by enabling trains to operate at higher speeds and with less spacing between them.

Furthermore, the implementation of this technology will facilitate the smooth integration of trains originating from neighbouring European nations onto the existing Italian railway network.

According to Luca D’Aquila, the Chief Operating Officer of Hitachi Rail Group and the Chief Executive Officer of Hitachi Rail Italy,

We take great pride in this specific order since our ERTMS digital signalling system will effectively cater to the needs of both the customer and the passengers. Upon installation, the system will facilitate the operation of a service that can effectively traverse the line at higher velocities and with enhanced carrying capacity.

The recently executed deal builds upon the initial phase one agreement, which was signed in August 2020, and pertains to the establishment of a high-speed railway connection between Verona and Bivio Vicenza by the consortium. The aforementioned accolade possessed a monetary worth above 2.4 billion EUR.

The proposed railway line will span a total distance of 76.4 km, effectively establishing a comprehensive train connection between the cities of Milan and Venice.

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