Here all the details related to the Sahiwal to Gujrat Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available. Daily four trains travel from Sahiwal to Gujrat. The names of these trains are Awam Express, Tezgam, Khyber Mail & Jaffar Express. Here we will discuss train timing and train ticket prices from Sahiwal to Gujrat for each train.
Sahiwal to Gujrat Train Timing
- Awam Express
- Departure Time: 2:40 AM
- Arrival Time: 8:29 AM
- Tezgam
- Departure Time: 9:47 AM
- Arrival Time: 3:11 PM
- Khyber Mail
- Departure Time: 4:05 PM
- Arrival Time: 10:11 PM
- Jaffar Express
- Departure Time: 4:52 AM
- Arrival Time: 10:33 AM
Train Ticket Prices
- Awam Express
- Economy: Rs. 1260
- AC Lower: Rs. 1400
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1610
- AC Business: Rs. 1690
- AC Business (Executive): Rs. 1910
- Tezgam
- Economy: Rs. 1270
- AC Lower: Rs. 1440
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1540
- AC Business: Rs. 1790
- AC Business (Executive): Rs. 1990
- Khyber Mail
- Economy: Rs. 1260
- AC Lower: Rs. 1400
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1520
- AC Business: Rs. 1640
- AC Business (Executive): Rs. 1940
- Jaffar Express
- Economy: Rs. 1290
- AC Lower: Rs. 1350
- AC Sleeper: Rs. 1590
- AC Business: Rs. 1630
- AC Business (Executive): Rs. 1930
What is the earliest train from Sahiwal to Gujrat?
- The earliest train is the Awam Express, departing at 2:40 AM.
2. How long does the Tezgam train take from Sahiwal to Gujrat?
- The Tezgam takes about 5 hours and 24 minutes to reach Gujrat.
3. What is the economy class fare on the Jaffar Express?
- The economy class fare on the Jaffar Express is Rs. 1290.
4. Are there different classes available on these trains?
- Yes, there are several classes available, including Economy, AC Lower, AC Sleeper, and AC Business.