Sahiwal to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available here. If you’re planning a journey from Sahiwal to Gujranwala by train, it’s essential to have accurate information about the train timings and ticket prices. This guide provides you with the updated schedule and ticket prices for the trains operating on this route, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.
Sahiwal to Gujranwala Train Timing
Awam Express
- Departure Time: 2:40 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 7:25 AM
- Departure Time: 9:47 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 2:05 PM
Khyber Mail
- Departure Time: 4:05 PM
- Destination Arrival Time: 8:55 PM
Jaffar Express
- Departure Time: 4:52 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 9:24 AM
Train Ticket Prices
Now, let’s delve into the ticket prices for each train, categorized by seat type:
Awam Express
- Economy Seat: 550/-
- Economy Birth: 600/-
- A.C Business: 1560/-
- A.C Standard: 1100/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2350/-
Jaffar Express
- Economy Seat: 800/-
- Economy Birth: 850/-
- A.C Business: 1450/-
- A.C Standard: 1150/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2250/-
Khyber Mail
- Economy Seat: 550/-
- Economy Birth: 600/-
- A.C Business: 1350/-
- A.C Standard: 1100/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2050/-
Tezgam Express
- Economy Seat: 800/-
- Economy Birth: 850/-
- A.C Business: 1450/-
- A.C Standard: 1150/-
- A.C Sleeper: 2250/-
Sahiwal to Sadiqabad Train Timing
What are the departure and arrival times for Awam Express from Sahiwal to Gujranwala?
- Departure Time: 2:40 AM
- Arrival Time: 7:25 AM
2. How much does an A.C Sleeper ticket cost for Tezgam Express?
- A.C Sleeper Ticket: 2250/-
3. Can I find an afternoon train from Sahiwal to Gujranwala?
- Yes, Khyber Mail departs at 4:05 PM and arrives at 8:55 PM.
4. What is the Economy Seat price for Jaffar Express?
- Economy Seat Ticket: 800/-