Here all the details related to Sadiqabad to Hyderabad Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available. 6 trains run from Sadiqabad to Hyderabad every day. The names of these trains are Allama Iqbal Express, Awam Express, Bahauddin Zakria Express, Pakistan Express, Millat Express & Khyber Mail. Here we discuss each train’s timings as well as ticket prices from Sadiqabad to Hyderabad.
Sadiqabad to Hyderabad Train Timing
Allama Iqbal Express
The Allama Iqbal Express Departure time from Sadiqabad railway station is 10:10 PM. The Train reached Hyderabad railway station at 05:20 AM the next day.
Awam Express
The departure time of Awam Express from Sadiqabad railway station is 06:20 PM. The Awam Express reached its destination at 3:00 AM.
Bahauddin Zakria Express
The Bahauddin Zakria Express departure time from Sadiqabad railway station is 09:20 PM. The train reached its destination at 04:50 AM.
Pakistan Express
The Pakistan Express departure time from Sadiqabad railway station is 09:30 PM. The Pakistan Express reached its destination at 04:35 AM.
Millat Express
The departure time of Millat Express from Sadiqabad railway station is 10:20 PM. The Millat Express reached its destination at 4:50 AM.
Khyber Mail
Khyber Mail also Runs between Sadiqabad to Hyderabad. The Khyber Mail departure time from Sadiqabad Junction is 10:30 PM. While the arrival time at Hyderabad Junction for Khyber Mail is 05:15 AM.
Train Ticket Price
Train Name | Fares (Economy) | Fares (AC Lower) | Fares (AC Sleeper) | Fares (AC Business) |
Allama Iqbal Express | Rs. 1490 | Rs. 1990 | Rs. 2290 | Rs. 1,630 |
Awam Express | Rs. 1490 | Rs. 1920 | Rs. 2290 | Rs. 1,690 |
Bahauddin Zakria Express | Rs. 1490 | Rs. 1,940 | Rs. 2190 | Rs. 1,550 |
Pakistan Express | Rs. 1430 | Rs. 1990 | Rs. 2290 | Rs. 1,690 |
Millat Express | Rs. 1390 | Rs. 1990 | Rs. 2290 | Rs. 1,600 |
Khyber Mail | Rs. 1290 | Rs. 1,900 | Rs. 2,300 | Rs. 1,590 |