Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025

Here in this post, all the details related to the Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price are available. Traveling between Rawalpindi and Gujranwala by train is a convenient and affordable option for many passengers. If you’re planning a journey on this route, it’s essential to know the train timings and ticket prices to make your travel experience smooth and hassle-free.

Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Train Timing

Here are the timings of trains operating from Rawalpindi to Gujranwala:

  1. Awam Express:
    • Departure Time: 1:05 PM
    • Arrival Time: 4:55 PM
  2. Tezgam:
    • Departure Time: 8:00 AM
    • Arrival Time: 11:55 AM
  3. Subak Raftar:
    • Departure Time: 4:30 PM
    • Arrival Time: 8:15 PM
  4. Subak Kharam:
    • Departure Time: 7:00 AM
    • Arrival Time: 10:35 AM
  5. Khyber Mail:
    • Departure Time: 1:50 AM
    • Arrival Time: 6:00 AM
  6. Jaffar Express:
    • Departure Time: 9:00 AM
    • Arrival Time: 12:40 PM

Ticket Prices

Ticket prices for trains from Rawalpindi to Gujranwala vary based on the class of travel. Here’s a breakdown of fares:

Train NameEconomy FaresAC Lower FaresAC Sleeper FaresAC Business Fares
Awam ExpressRs. 800Rs. 820N/aN/a
TezgamRs. 800Rs. 820Rs. 830Rs. 810
Subak RaftarRs. 800Rs. 820N/aRs. 810
Subak KharamRs. 800Rs. 620N/aRs. 710
Khyber MailRs. 800Rs. 820Rs. 810Rs. 710
Jaffar ExpressRs. 800Rs. 620Rs. 810Rs. 710


Travelling by train from Rawalpindi to Gujranwala offers multiple options in terms of timings and ticket prices. Whether you prefer an economical journey or a more comfortable experience in AC classes, there’s a suitable train for everyone. Make sure to plan your journey according to your schedule and budget, and enjoy a pleasant trip between these two cities.


  1. What are the train timings from Rawalpindi to Gujranwala?
    • Trains run at different times, like morning, afternoon, and evening.
  2. How much does a train ticket cost?
    • Ticket prices vary based on the type of seat you choose, like economy or AC.
  3. How long does the journey take?
    • The journey duration depends on the train you choose; some take longer than others.
  4. Can I book tickets online?
    • Yes, many train services offer online booking options for your convenience.

Rawalpindi to Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2024

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