Check online Rawalpindi To Gujar Khan Train Fare from here. Check the train Schedule for the year 2025 from here. Information on the Pakistan Railway fare table and the cost of a ticket between Rawalpindi and Gujar Khan. From several Pakistan Railways routes, many express and passenger trains travel from Rawalpindi to Gujar Khan. varied classes have varied railway fares and ticket costs. There are daily trains connecting Rawalpindi and Gujar Khan that are called the Awam Express, Subak Raftar Express, Pakistan Express, and Tezgam Express. The most recent fare table published by Pakistan Railways provides information on the cost of express passenger trains running between Rawalpindi and Gujar Khan. Pakistani train ticket full fare price The detailed timetable for the economy class seat, economy birth, air-conditioned class, AC business, AC standard, AC lower, and AC sleeper at Rawalpindi railway station.
All trains departing from Rawalpindi station and traveling to Pakistan’s Gujar Khan station are priced according to the table below. Complete and detailed information about Pakistani train fares, including complete ticket prices. air conditioning, first-class sleeper, business, standard, and economy fares; Reduced airfare from Rawalpindi to Gujar Khan.
Rawalpindi to Lahore Train Ticket Price

Rawalpindi To Gujar Khan Train Fare
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Birth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | 400/- | 350/- | — | 700/- | — |
Jaffar Express | 450/- | 500/- | 750/- | 600/- | 850/- |
Subak Khurram | 400/- | 300/- | 500/- | 450/- | 500/- (Parlor) |
Pakistan Express | 400/- | 250/- | 700/- | 500/- | — |
Hazara Express | 400/- | 250/- | — | 500/- | — |
Tezgam Express | 450/- | 500/- | 750/- | 600/- | 850/- |
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Awam Express | 1:15 PM | 1:55 PM |
Tezgam | 8:00 AM | 8:45 AM |
Subak Raftar | 4:30 PM | 5:20 PM |
Pakistan Express | 6:00 AM | 6:50 AM |