All government employees in Punjab have received up to a 35 percent ad hoc hardship allowance. A notification issued by Finance Division said, “In continuation of this Department’s earlier Notification of even number dated 18.07.2023, the Governor of Punjab has been pleased to revise the rate of Adhoc Relief Allowance-2023 to all the Civil Servants of the Punjab Government and contract employees employed against civil posts in Basic Pay Scales on standard terms and conditions of contract appointment with effect from 01.08.2023”.
It stated that employees in BPS-1 through 16 will receive a basic pay increase of 35%, and BPS-17 through top officials will receive a basic pay increase of 30%.
According to the statement, base pay for the purposes of the Adhoc Relief Allowance through 2023 will also include the amount of personal pay awarded due to annual increments.
A number of significant decisions received the caretaker cabinet’s approval last month in Punjab. First, it approved compensation increases of 35% for government employees in grades 1 through 16 and 30% for those in grades 17 through 22.