Check the online Peshawar To Jhelum Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 from here. Traveling by train from Peshawar to Jhelum can be a nice way to see the beautiful sights of Pakistan without too much trouble. We’ll give you all the important details about when the trains leave and how much tickets cost, so you can plan your trip easily and have a great time!
Peshawar to Jhelum Train Timing:
Three popular trains operate on the Peshawar to Jhelum route, offering different departure and arrival times to cater to various travel preferences. Here are the train timings:
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 9:00 AM
- Arrival Time: 3:06 PM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 10:00 PM
- Arrival Time: 3:49 AM
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure Time: 5:30 AM
- Arrival Time: 10:58 AM
Train Ticket Prices:
- Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 900/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 950/-
- A.C Business: Not available
- A.C Standard: Rs. 1450/-
- A.C Sleeper: Not available
- Khyber Mail:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 900/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 950/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 1600/-
- A.C Standard: Rs. 1450/-
- A.C Sleeper: Rs. 2000/-
- Jaffar Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 900/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 950/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 1600/-
- A.C Standard: Rs. 1450/-
- A.C Sleeper: Rs. 2200/-

- What are the departure and arrival times for Awam Express from Peshawar to Jhelum?
- Awam Express departs at 9:00 AM and arrives in Jhelum at 3:06 PM.
- How much does an Economy Seat ticket for Khyber Mail cost from Peshawar to Jhelum?
- An Economy Seat ticket for Khyber Mail is priced at Rs. 900/-.
- Are there A.C Sleeper options available on Jaffar Express for the Peshawar to Jhelum route?
- No, Jaffar Express does not offer A.C Sleeper options for this route.
- What is the ticket price for A.C Business on Khyber Mail from Peshawar to Jhelum?
- The ticket price for A.C Business on Khyber Mail is Rs. 1600/-.
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