Here in this post, all the details related to Peshawar To Gujranwala Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025 are available. Are you thinking about traveling from Peshawar to Gujranwala using a train? We’ve got all the information you require regarding the schedules of the trains and the costs of tickets to ensure your journey is smooth and without any complications.
Peshawar To Gujranwala Train Timing
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 9:15 AM
- Arrival Time: 4:55 PM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 10:12 PM
- Arrival Time: 6:00 AM
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure Time: 5:39 AM
- Arrival Time: 12:40 PM
Peshawar To Gujrat Train Timing
Ticket Prices
Train Name | Economy Seat | Economy Berth | A.C Business | A.C Standard | A.C Sleeper |
Awam Express | Rs. 950/- | Rs. 1000/- | — | Rs. 1750/- | — |
Khyber Mail | Rs. 950/- | Rs. 1000/- | Rs. 2250/- | Rs. 1750/- | Rs. 2750/- |
Jaffar Express | Rs. 950/- | Rs. 1000/- | Rs. 2250/- | Rs. 1750/- | Rs. 2750/- |
Journeying from Peshawar to Gujranwala via train provides a convenient and cost-effective choice for people who travel regularly. There are several trains available, each departing at different times and providing a range of ticket options. This allows you to customize your travel plans based on your preferences and financial considerations. Take the time to plan your trip, purchase your tickets, and prepare for a pleasant ride through the picturesque landscapes of Pakistan.

- What are the departure and arrival times for Awam Express from Peshawar to Gujranwala?
- Departure: 9:15 AM
- Arrival: 4:55 PM
- How much does an Economy Seat ticket for Khyber Mail cost from Peshawar to Gujranwala?
- Can I book my train ticket online for Jaffar Express?
- Yes, you can conveniently book Jaffar Express tickets online.
- Is there an A.C Sleeper option for Khyber Mail from Peshawar to Gujranwala?
- No, Khyber Mail does not offer A.C Sleeper; it provides Economy Seat, Economy Berth, A.C Business, and A.C Standard options.
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