Check the online Multan To Sukkur Train Timing from here. Check all Trains Ticket Prices for the year 2024. For a smoother travel experience, you must know about the train schedules and how much the tickets cost if you plan to travel from Multan to Sadiqabad in 2024. The Jaffar Express is a really popular train for this journey. Let’s take a closer look at the schedule and find out how much the tickets cost for this trip.
Multan To Sukkur Train Timing
The Jaffar Express is the primary train connecting Multan to Sadiqabad. Here are the train timings for this route:
- Departure Time: 8:20 PM from Multan
- Destination Arrival Time: 3:45 AM at Sadiqabad
The Jaffar Express offers a convenient overnight journey, allowing you to reach your destination early in the morning.

Multan To Sukkur Train Ticket Price
When planning your trip, it’s crucial to be aware of the ticket prices for different classes. Here are the ticket prices for the Jaffar Express on the Multan to Sukkur route:
- Economy Seat: 1700/-
- Economy Berth: 1750/-
- A.C Business: 3350/-
- A.C Standard: 2400/-
- A.C Sleeper: 5000/-
Multan To Sadiqabad Train Timing