Here in this post, all the details are available for Multan To Shorkot Train Ticket Price & Train Timing 2025. If you want to go from Multan to Shorkot by train, you need to know when the trains leave and how much the tickets cost. This guide gives you the info to help you plan your trip easily.
Multan to Shorkot Train Ticket Price
- Economy Seat:
- Price: 580/-
- Economy Berth:
- Price: 690/-
- AC Business (A.C Lower):
- Price: 1490/-
Multan To Wazirabad Train Ticket Price

Train Timing
Train Name | Departure Time | Destination Arrival Time |
Pakistan Express | 2:50 AM | 4:40 AM |
The Pakistan Express departure time from Multan station at 02:50 AM. The train reaches its destination at Shortkot station at 04:40 AM. The Pakistan Express takes 1 hour and 50 minutes to reached its destination.