Check the online Multan to Chichawatni Train Timing from here. Are you thinking about going on a trip from Multan to Chichawatni by train in the year 2025? Knowing when the trains run and how much tickets cost can make it much easier for you to plan your travel. Here’s a simple guide that will assist you in organizing your journey.
Multan to Chichawatni Train Timing:
- Awam Express:
- Departure Time: 11:28 PM
- Arrival Time at Chichawatni: 1:48 AM
- Tezgam:
- Departure Time: 7:10 AM
- Arrival Time at Chichawatni: 9:00 AM
- Khyber Mail:
- Departure Time: 12:58 PM
- Arrival Time at Chichawatni: 3:15 PM
- Jaffar Express:
- Departure Time: 2:15 AM
- Arrival Time at Chichawatni: 4:05 AM
Multan to Chichawatni Train Ticket Prices:
Awam Express:
- Economy Seat: 600/-
- Economy Berth: 650/-
- A.C Standard: 900/-
Jaffar Express:
- Economy Seat: 850/-
- Economy Berth: 900/-
- A.C Business: 1550/-
- A.C Standard: 950/-
- A.C Sleeper: 1750/-
Khyber Mail:
- Economy Seat: 600/-
- Economy Berth: 650/-
- A.C Business: 1450/-
- A.C Standard: 900/-
- A.C Sleeper: 1650/-
Musa Pak Express:
- Economy Seat: 600/-
- Economy Berth: 650/-
- A.C Business: 750/-
- A.C Standard: 650/-
- Economy Seat: 850/-
- Economy Berth: 900/-
- A.C Business: 1550/-
- A.C Standard: 950/-
- A.C Sleeper: 1750/-

Tips for Travel:
- Booking in Advance: To ensure availability and better seat selection, consider booking your train tickets in advance.
- Check Train Schedule: Confirm the train schedule before your journey to avoid any inconvenience.
- Comfort vs. Budget: Choose the class and seat type based on your preferences and budget constraints.
- Arrive Early: Arriving at the station a bit early allows you to board the train comfortably.
- Weather Considerations: Check the weather forecast for both Multan and Chichawatni to pack accordingly.
By keeping these details in mind, you can plan a smooth and enjoyable train journey from Multan to Chichawatni in 2024. Safe travels!
1. What times does the Awam Express leave Multan and arrive in Chichawatni?
The Awam Express leaves at 11:28 p.m. from Multan and arrives at Chichawatni at 1:48 a.m.
2. What is the price of a Jaffar Express Economy Seat ticket?
The cost of a Jaffar Express Economy Seat ticket is 850/-.
3. Is it feasible to reserve seats for the A.C. Sleeper on the Musa Pak Express?
In response, the Musa Pak Express does not sell tickets for A.C. sleepers.
4. What time does the Tezgam train depart for Chichawatni from Multan?
The Tezgam train leaves Multan at 7:10 in the morning.