Check the online Khanewal to Gujranwala Train Timing from here. Here all train timings are available from Khanewal to Gujranwala. The total distance between Khanewal to Gujranwala is 363 KM. There are two by which you can travel between Khanewal to Gujranwala. The first way is by road and the second way to travel between Khanewal to Gujranwala is by rail.
Khanewal to Gujranwala Train Timing
Here is a list of trains that run from Khanewal to Gujranwala daily. Departure and arrival times are mentioned below.
Awam Express
The Awam Express departure time from the Khanewal station is 08:10 AM. The Awam Express reached its destination at Gujranwala station at 01:50 PM. The Awam Express is operated daily.
Khyber Mail
The Khyber Mail departure time from the Khanewal railway station is at 09:20 AM. The arrival time for the Khyber Mail Express at Gujranwala station is 02:40 PM. The Khyber Mail Express is operated daily.
Karachi Express
The Karachi Express departure time from the Khanewal railway station is at 10:20 AM. The arrival time for the Karachi Express at Gujranwala station is 03:40 PM. The Karachi Express is operated daily.
Tezgam Express
The Tezgam Express departure time from the Khanewal railway station is at 11:20 AM. The arrival time for the Tezgam Express Express at Gujranwala station is 04:40 PM. The Tezgam Express is operated daily.
Shalimar Express
The Shalimar Express departure time from the Khanewal railway station is at 01:20 PM. The arrival time for the Shalimar Express at Gujranwala station is 06:40 PM. The Shalimar Express is operated daily.
Multiple trains operate from Khanewal to Gujranwala route daily. Pakistan Railways operated these trains. These trains have Ac Sleeper Class, Ac Business Class, Economy seat Class, and AC Lower Class. The fare for each class is different.