Karachi To Nawabshah Train Timing And Ticket Price Fare 2025

Check the online Karachi To Nawabshah Train Timing 2025 from here. If you’re planning a trip, stay connected with us for all the details, including train timings and ticket prices.

Karachi To Nawabshah Train Timing 2025

  • Allama Iqbal Express departs at 2:00 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 5:55 PM.
  • Awam Express departs at 7:00 AM, arriving in Nawabshah at 11:45 AM.
  • Bahauddin Zakria Express departs at 5:50 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 10:13 PM.
  • Tezgam departs at 5:30 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 9:15 PM.
  • Sukkur Express departs at 10:35 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 2:58 AM.
  • Shalimar Express departs at 6:00 AM, arriving in Nawabshah at 9:34 AM.
  • Pak Business Express departs at 4:00 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 7:23 PM.
  • Millat Express departs at 4:30 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 8:07 PM.
  • Khyber Mail departs at 10:15 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 1:54 AM.
  • Karachi Express departs at 5:00 PM, arriving in Nawabshah at 8:32 PM.

Train Ticket Price

Allama Iqbal Express:
Economy Seat: 1050/-
Economy Berth: 1100/-

Awam Express:
Economy Seat: 1050/-
Economy Berth: 1100/-
A.C Standard: 1700/-

Bahauddin Zakraya Express
Economy Seat: 1050/-
Economy Berth: 1100/-
A.C Business: 2150/-
A.C Standard: 1700/-

Fareed Express
Economy Seat: 1000/-
Economy Berth: 1100/-
A.C Business: 2730/-
A.C Standard: 1750/-

Keep in mind that ticket prices may change, so check with the train company or online websites for the latest information before making final plans. Traveling by train is a comfortable and affordable way to go from Karachi to Nawabshah. Choose the class that suits your preference and budget for a pleasant journey. Ticket prices vary between different trains and classes, so be sure to check the specific fare for your chosen train and class before booking.

Karachi To Khanewal Train Timing

Karachi To Nawabshah Train Timing And Ticket Price Fare 2024


  1. What are the train ticket prices from Karachi to Nawabshah?
    • Check online for the latest prices.
  2. When does the Awam Express depart from Karachi to Nawabshah?
    • The Awam Express leaves at 7:00 AM.
  3. Is it comfortable to travel by train from Karachi to Nawabshah?
    • Yes, train travel is comfy and a nice way to go.

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