In this article, we provide our visitors with complete information related to Faisalabad To Gujrat Train Timing & Train Ticket Price 2025. If you’re planning a journey from Faisalabad to Gujrat by train. You must know the basic information like train timing etc. This guide will provide you with the essential details to make your travel experience smooth and hassle-free from Faisalabad To Gujrat by train.
Faisalabad to Gujrat Train Timing
Pakistan Express is the only train that is operated between Faisalabad to Gujrat. The Pakistan Express is operated by Pakistan Railway daily. The train departs from Faisalabad at 6:50 AM and reaches Gujrat at 11:04 AM. The Pakistan Express is the fastest train that runs from Faisalabad to Gujrat. The Pakistan Express is operated by the Pakistan Railway.
Train Timings Summary
- Train Name: Pakistan Express
- Departure Time: 6:50 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 11:04 AM
Train Ticket Prices
Now, let’s delve into the ticket prices for the Faisalabad to Gujrat journey on the Pakistan Express. The ticket prices vary based on the class of travel, providing options to suit different preferences and budgets.
- Economy Seat: 700/-
- Economy Berth: 750/-
- AC Lower: 1050/-
- AC Business: 1450/-
Bahawalpur To Sahiwal Train Ticket Price