Check the online Bahawalpur to Toba Tek Singh Train Ticket Price as well as train Timing for the year 2025 from here. Taking a train journey from Bahawalpur to Toba Tek Singh is a practical and budget-friendly choice for numerous travelers. This article aims to assist you in organizing your trip by offering details regarding the schedule of trains and the cost of tickets across different classes.
Bahawalpur to Toba Tek Singh Train Ticket Price
Here are the ticket prices for various classes on trains traveling from Bahawalpur to Toba Tek Singh:
- Millat Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 920/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 980/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 1690/-
- A.C Lower: Rs. 1490/-
- Karakoram Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 1170/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 1205/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 2550/-
- A.C Lower: Rs. 1560/-
- Pakistan Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 930/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 980/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 2055/-
- A.C Lower: Rs. 1480/-
- Shalimar Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 940/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 990/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 1670/-
- A.C Lower: Rs. 1475/-
- Rehman Baba Express:
- Economy Seat: Rs. 925/-
- Economy Berth: Rs. 990/-
- A.C Business: Rs. 1655/-
- A.C Lower: Rs. 1485/-

Train Timings:
- Akbar Express:
- Departure Time: 2:25 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 6:45 AM
- Shalimar Express:
- Departure Time: 5:30 PM
- Destination Arrival Time: 9:05 PM
- Pakistan Express:
- Departure Time: 12:58 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 5:05 AM
- Millat Express:
- Departure Time: 4:05 AM
- Destination Arrival Time: 7:45 AM
Hyderabad to Peshawar Train Ticket Price